Floating Light
Feb - June 2023
Collaborated and worked with a NY-based jazz band, Kaisa's Machine, I spent around 4 months to make a minute portion of their music video. Kaisa wanted her four band mates to be animated in a colorful and lively Manhattan environments, so I delivered a fun, jazzy, film. It was such an honor and pleasure to have worked with her! I had so much fun making city illustrations and coming up with transitions between scenes.

I created animations of each band members separately on Procreate & Photoshop and then composited them on top of the background layer on after effects.

Their Blood Cries Out
Jan - June 2023
I have been fascinated by the concept of human rights and where it exactly begins--where does human life begin? What makes a person a person? Is abortion ethical? I noticed that the media and the public education-- oftentimes--sways us in one direction and condemns the other side of the narrative. However, I do not think that is effective thus, I wished to bring the "condemned" view into light. I believe in the importance of looking beyond the contentious sentiment and emotions that keep us polarized and divided, and instead, have dialogues and discussions in many different point of views to foster empathy and understanding.
Based on the poem I wrote. Music produced by me.

Coraline Title Sequence
Nov - Dec 2022
One of the assignments I was given in my motion graphics class was to recreate your favorite movie title sequence. Of course, I had to go with Coraline--my all time favorite film. Everything was done on illustrator, Procreate, and a lot of key framing in After Effects!

3 Short Films
May 2021 - August 2022
The three little videos below were made during the four-month summer break going into sophomore year. A bit janky, but I had a lot of fun making these.
Poems and music by me.